Blog Kambiz Naficy4

Your Center


You have a center which is your Self. Your Self is your home, your Essence, and your Truth.

Whenever life becomes hard and lonely, remind yourself that “I have a Self”, then come back home to your beating heart and listen for your Truth. When you are aligned with your center, you are content because you embrace and like who you are.

As long as you have a Self, you have a source of power. Even if you lose everything, you can still rebuild your life because you have a seat of power. But if you lose your Self,  you will have lost your truth, your life-bearing, and all your natural abundance.

Never believe fear; never give your power away to fear. Fear is a thief that takes you off-center by threatening your Self. No one can argue your truth away; no one can rob the truth of your heart; no bullet or knife wound can destroy the truth of who you are.

Fear is the voice of a Liar in your mind, ignore it and breathe it away with the powerful mantra– “I have a Self.”

Kambiz Naficy


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