Sun 03

Right Livelihood

Staying small and inhibited not only destroys you but it does not serve a society that could prosper through your greatness. The happiest people are those who experience the flight of the Soul.

Your soul is a phoenix, she becomes ill in closed quarters; your soul needs to constantly grow and experience vast horizons; I am talking about the big picture.

The most lasting and joyous livelihood is one that is shared with a family that you deeply care about. I am speaking not only of your immediate family but a family of co-workers, employees, and their loved ones too.

Make every effort to win the hearts and the souls of the people that work with you. Improve their lives through your livelihood; help them to succeed, gain self-respect and self-confidence as they in turn, carry you to your dreams.

This, you will see, is a different kind of ownership, for when you truly win over a heart, you win over a Soul, a Soul who loves to work for you because you radiate generosity, goodwill, and prosperity. People, who work for a great soul feel deep gratitude because they know that their lives have been touched and transformed forever.

It truly takes a great soul to earn the gratitude of his or her staff, but let me tell you, once you earn that love and gratitude, your work will be your heaven.

With Respect,

~ Kambiz Naficy

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