Inspired By Nature30


Happiness as a decision takes power.

To dive into pain and come up with joy, that’s power.

In a divorce, the one who walks away with love and well-wishes, holds the power.

Perseverance toward a Greater Self demands power.

One mind persuading a million; that takes power.

Power is giving hope to the hopeless.

Having an inner-life with personal boundaries is power.

Contentment in solitude means power.

To have power is to turn an enemy to a friend.

Innocence wields more power than cleverness.

Power means living your Truth above all else.

Those who hold power have seen through fear.

Power means softening around your vulnerabilities then rising to great heights.

 To walk hand in had with the Force that made you, yields power.

Silence holds power; as a person of a few words commands attention.

To be in love with the day, that is power!

Living your life fully is a life empowered.

Take this power and join the circuit

To electrify and inspire.

~ Kambiz Naficy

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