Inspired By Nature7

Hold Fast to your Center


Self-confidence means being confident that you have a self, a center. When you accept and love who you are, you have a center and your center extends out and connects with the center of the Universe. That is what I mean by Oneness. Someone who is centered and knows that he breathes with the Creator, is supremely self-confident.

A life of Simple Being means self-containment, your ability to maintain a private inner-life where you can conceive and give birth to ideas, aspirations, and personal truths without distractions infringing on you.

When you are connected to the center of your Being, you develop healthy boundaries which protect your inner-life. Personal boundaries are not for keeping secrets from loved ones; self-respecting individuals need to spend quiet time with a beautiful inner-life; this may take the form of sweet solitude in nature, artistic activities, keeping a diary, or engaging in a favorite hobby. When you maintain healthy personal boundaries, others also respect your privacy because they intuitively know that they cannot infringe.

Love yourself so we can Love you more..

~ Kambiz Naficy


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