Kambiz Naficy 6

Heads or Hearts


Your heart is where your courage is; your head will argue why it can’t be done.

Your heart has always known your destiny; your head might look around, see no one like you, and slowly back out of who you were meant to be.

Your heart really knows how to love, without an agenda, without that feeling of “what’s in it for me?” Your mind might be guarded thinking, after all so and so gave so much of herself and look at what happened; in the end, so and so shattered her heart!”

Your heart can feel a pulse beating in this whole universe, like all of it is alive! Your mind believes your senses and your senses tell your mind that  what is not visible can’t be trusted.

Is love visible? Can you touch courage? Can you hear freedom? Can you taste wisdom?

The center of your greatness is inside. Every great thing you have ever created has risen from the inside out.The outside is beautiful; feel free to walk around and look around, but if you ever believe that what’s on the outside defines you, you will lose your way.

Strive for a rich inner-life and you will be rich in every way.

Many Blessings,

~ Kambiz Naficy

For more inspirational insights, I invite you to listen to my podcasts: joyoflife.podbean.com


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