Inspired By Nature6

Call for Grace


The God Force is a quiet teacher who boomerangs the energy of your beliefs, thoughts, and actions back to your life.

Call for Grace and abundance by imagining that you are walking hand in hand with your Creator. Broadcast this spiritual certainty to the Mind of the Universe through your beliefs, daily thoughts, and actions. Mother Nature is most pleased when your demonstrate your certainty of Oneness.

Physicists are now concluding that the Universe has a Mind; that the earth is wrapped in a net of Consciousness which is part of that Universal Mind. The tree, the mountains, and the sky over your head are all alive and pulsing with this Consciousness. Every part of nature communicates with the rest, except for the human ego that acts in isolation because it cannot speak the language of Oneness.

The forces of nature do not speak English, Swedish, Chinese, or any other formal language. Therefore, you must simply demonstrate oneness in your daily life. Once you experience the truth of Oneness, you will develop a deep reverence for all of life.

While broadcasting your spiritual certainty, you are reaching for Grace. Each time you reach for Her hand, Mother Nature takes 10 steps towards you. This mother-and-child relationship goes on for a lifetime. It is based on a loving give-and-take between you and the one who graces you.

Many Blessings,

Kambiz Naficy

Visit Kambiz’s youtube channel for more insights


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