Inspired By Nature20



Those who achieve the life that others dream of, have learnt the Law of Allowing; follow this law and watch your dreams blossom

Millions struggle for better lives, but unconsciously, they do not feel deserving nor do they believe that wealth or fulfillment is meant for them. Life’s prizes are for those who can imagine having, and for those who allow Grace–the God Force really has not favorites.

There are those who spend their lives doing what is most natural, and they enjoy it. They work hard at playing, and never think twice about doing anything else;  they are not following their bliss for money; and it is not for fame that they play their favorite game. They are not competing with anyone else; their game is to unveil their Highest Self.

But what if your Highest Self is already here, waiting for you to step aside? What if anything your ever wished for is already here and waiting for you to open up and allow?

You see, everything you could possibly wish for, is already there, floating in space in seed-form. It is not as though love, money, fame, pleasure, and power are not there; they are floating in space as untapped potential.Those whose energy falls into alignment with a prize, get to manifest that prize; you just have to dare and reach for the fruit.

Spend years working hard at playing; dream big and never ever give up the dream. Visualize already living that life, and keep on perfecting. Open your arms, breathe easy, dream easy, smile easy, and just be yourself, all the while assuming Grace. As for the rest; detach from the prize and just



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