Inspired By Nature36

View your Horizons

Dear Friend;

Look around among family members and friends and you will see that the vast majority have involved themselves in circumstances that have nothing to do with the type of life that they wished for. People often make decisions and fall into a trap of consequences which are later very hard to undo.Be careful to view the wider implications of any decision you are about to make. Once you commit to an action or a project, it is already too late to disengage from the immediate consequences, details, and hassles that follow.Wise people look through and beyond decisions before they make them. This is not the same as being non-committal; it simply means that you view your decisions and involvements from various angles to see whether engagement in a particular project or activity fits into your ideal life.

Before forging on with any project, it is wise to first take your time to understand yourself, the type of life you wish for, your priorities,  what truly inspires you, what brings you happiness, and contentment. If you are young and do not yet know yourself, be wise, take your time, even take some time off from the rat race to find your unique direction.

Remember, once you commit to any direction, you have no choice but to swim in the current of daily responsibilities and consequences that follow.

 Much Love,

~ Kambiz Naficy

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