Time 01


Time is not real; it never existed and never will.Time past, is gone forever because it wasn’t there to begin with!

You will find a Great Void in the space between two thoughts and the pause between two breaths; in that Void of Silence, time vanishes.

Only your inner-state is real; when you are joyful time passes quickly and when in pain, time slows down.

Think about your own life-span, although you are now an adult, you might remember so much of your past vividly, as if the space of time between then and now were an illusion.

Line up four of your pictures from the time you were four, fourteen, twenty four, and now. Look into those eyes and you will find the same Soul.

When a handsome ladies’ man turns old, his eyes and mind remain young, as if nothing has changed; it is only the appearance of his aging body that no longer fits his routine!

Time is elastic, meaning that you can either fit a few chores into an hour or stuff dozens of chores into the same time-slot. On days that you only have a couple of things to do, you might consume your entire day with just a couple of chores. On pressured days that are packed with critical tasks, you wind up accomplishing everything within the same space of time.

What we call a lifetime is an album of recollections—moments of love, courage and faith, events, challenges, rags to riches, etc.. It is only when we paste these mental images together, that we come up with a continuum of time.

Meanwhile, everything in life has its own time. Life is made up of cycles that begin and end like the ebb and flow of the sea. These life-cycles are organized by the wisdom of Natural Law rather than the movement of the minute-hand on the face of a clock.

A life well spent is the best, most peaceful, loving and enjoyable life in between the time we are born and the time we die.

Till Eternity

~ Kambiz Naficy

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