Inspired By Nature47


Life is new every moment; every breath brings the freshness of the moment, and each moment demands a new response from you. So, don’t be comatose and do not respond from memories of the past.

Memories are good when you can learn from them. Each time you dwell on a past hurt, you drive it deeper into your being.If something in the past has hurt you, do not dwell on it; you know that if you keep scratching on a scab, the wound will never heal. 

Negativity sticks to the mind through repetition; everything comes of attention and repetition. If you want to rid yourself of negativity and hurt feelings, keep repeating uplifting thoughts and images in your mind–soon you will learn that whatever you don’t feed through attention withers and alternatively whichever constructive thought and emotion you constantly nourish with attention, will blossom within you.

Good and bad habits are the same. If you do not engage in your addiction for twenty four hours, you will take one day’s worth of life away from that addiction. If you do not feed it for three weeks, the roots of it will dry out.

Build a beautiful life one habit at a time.

Many Blessings,

~ Kambiz Naficy

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