Inspired By Nature15

Keep on Building


Destroying something is so much easier and faster than building something. So, Strive to build something every day of your life.

A thriving and meaningful life is built one step at a time. Every morning when you wake up make a vow  to build something of your life; perhaps building a deeper relationship with your spouse, building more trust between you and your child, or writing a new page of your book, maybe adding something to your savings, hiring the first employee for your new company; or even deepening your meditation.

In this way you will be building your life one step at a time, and there is a lot of gratification in gradually building something out of nothing. One day, years later, when you look back at your glorious life, you see that all of it was intentionally built one step at a time.

Every night before you go to sleep, review your day and ask yourself, “what have I built today?”

~ Kambiz Naficy

For more insightful messages, visit Kambiz’s youtube channel


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