Inspired By Nature3



Nature in her silent way, rules our very fragile lives, and with Her quiet patience, She teaches Flow which means accessing Grace without a struggle. 

Flow is Natural Law.

The albatross’ with her amazing wingspan, catches the ocean breeze and glides to another continent.

The ebb and flow of the oceans, is a tireless pendulum;

The Ganges and Mississippi can flow for a hundred years without straining.

Why does nature’s whisper fall on deaf ears? Why do us humans take anxiety pills, find our way home through Iphones; and feel separated from our Source?

There is only One Source, and the Creative Force throbs, and She pulsates beyond the nucleus of the atom, with abundance and Grace.

Being conscious, The Force is aware of your consciousness. Does your behavior demonstrate fear and isolation, or are you walking hand in hand with the Force that gave you life?

We have a natural right to abundance and grace. The way is through Flow, not through fear, anxiety, self-consciousness, and low self-worth. Fear with its dense vibrations, is too heavy to Flow.

Start each task inhaling The Force, and flow through your day while exhaling the same Force that breathes through you.



~ Kambiz Naficy






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