There are times when everything you try just won’t work to your advantage. You put in your best effort and think about every angle of success but the doors keep shutting in your face.
During very difficult and trying times, you need to be philosophical. Ask yourself, what is the God Force trying to say to me? Release all resistance and do not allow your ego to fight to the bitter end.
The forces of nature are wise; let them gently guide you. Put your head down and say, dear Lord this time I really don’t know the answer, come into my life, guide me and show me the way. I make an oath that Thy will be done.
When everything around you is in chaos and everyone is fighting you and resisting, come home to your breath, to your meditation, to you prayer rug. Come back to your inner-sanctuary and listen to your inner-wisdom.
When you gather yourself within, while outside there is fighting and chaos, you disarm those who wish you harm.
Be at Peace My Friend and Step Lightly Today.
~ Kambiz Naficy
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