Spiritual Messages Blog

Sun 03

Right Livelihood

Staying small and inhibited not only destroys you but it does not serve a society that could prosper through your greatness. The happiest people are

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Sun 01

Please The One

Hello Friend; Make a meal that God would love to eat Build a house that God would love to rent from you Treat your spouse and children as

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Motivation 10

Promises, Promises

  Dear Friend; The only promises that mean anything are the ones you make to God. Promises that you make with your ego and mind

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Kambiz Naficy 6


  Courage is a muscle; exercise it and it will burst forth from inside-out. Each time you choose love over fear, you radiate courage. Each

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Kambiz Naficy 2

Love of the Self

  Dear Friend; There is a pulse, the heartbeat of this earth, nearly seven billion hearts beating each second. Within the rhythm and the chaos of

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Inspired By Nature31

The Work of Love

Deep and lasting love takes work, like anything else that is splendid.  Love is work but the work of two Gods building something great together.

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Motivation 14


Hello My Friend; Your self-concept impacts your self-confidence, how you carry your body, the mate that you choose, how much money you make, the risks

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