Blog Kambiz Naficy

Be Still

Why worry yourself with distractions and happenings everywhere? The world seems so messy these days, so much craziness everywhere.

Don’t worry about any of it–beyond all these happenings and crazy ideas there is only One Force–Brahma or the God Force.

If you are getting older, so what? Know that beneath your molecules, there is only One Light and that Light doesn’t age. Nothing can hurt Light.

Ripples on the lake are only temporary; don’t look at ripples as reality for ripples on a lake are just H2O.

Don’t be melancholy on a cloudy day; clouds in the sky are just passing–beyond the clouds is just an empty blue sky.

The unsettled thoughts in your mind are just movements of the One Consciousness–thoughts come and go when the Life Force moves through your mind.

The soap opera that made you cry–is just the play of Light on the movie screen, so don’t cry over light!

Relax in knowing that the One Force of the Universe courses through your veins–you are that Force.

Much Love,

~ Kambiz Naficy

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