Inspired By Nature41

Revisiting Yourself


Once in a while, you will go back to a place and time from your past. It may feel like a pilgrimage to honor who you were at that particular place in time. You may even go to a high school or college reunion, looking for your past, and find yourself surrounded by familiar faces grown older and not the same anymore.

When you revisit that place from your past, honor and embrace who you were, even if that was a dark or melancholy time of your life. Your life is really like a picture album, some pictures are happy and some are not.

When you learn to truly honor who you are, your journey of life will be a sacred one for you–it is none of anyone’s business, it is your journey and your inner-landscape is a sacred place for you.

When you revisit that place from your past, know that you are no longer that person who used to live there. Also know that the city is no longer the same city and its people not the same people. The clock can never be turned back.

Do not be sad about that, my friend, because the the most fundamental law of nature is:

Everything is changing from moment to moment until all eternity. Nature never repeats Herself.

Much love to you for having the courage to journey through your life without looking back.

~ Kambiz Naficy

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