Motivation 10

Promises, Promises


Dear Friend;

The only promises that mean anything are the ones you make to God. Promises that you make with your ego and mind are a waste of time. This is because your ego and mind have their own hidden agendas, and the last thing they are interested in is to stick to a promise that doesn’t bring instant pleasure or gratification.

If your ego makes a promise to you, it wants to know, what’s in it for me? Well with that expectation, how can you ever go through hardship or step beyond your comfort zone; how can you step into the unknown territories of life? Growth means investigating and stepping into uncharted territories; the ego is very frightened and insecure about aspects of life that are unknown to it.

What about the mind making a promise to you? My God, that’s even worse! Don’t depend on the promises of your mind for the mind changes its mind all the time! ; don’t even try to satisfy the desires of your mind because the mind changes its list of desires all the time.

The typical mind is jumping from thought to thought, from mood to mood, every few seconds or minutes. The mind is addicted to its own endless self-talk; the mind thinks something, then it doubts what it just thought. Can you really trust a promise that such an entity makes to you?

To step into bigger dimensions, to become a bigger person than you are now, you must trust and rely on a Higher Force, a Force bigger and beyond your ego, mind, and social personality. Only your Creator knows your true capacity.

Go out for a walk today and listen to the birds, notice the trees breathing, the wind whispering, the laughter of little children playing. Think about the One Pulse throbbing in all of space and the universe. That Pulse in alive and intelligent, that Pulse also beats in your heart and is the same as your Soul (God).

Place one hand on your heart and speak to that Pulse–dear Lord of my life; I know that you love me more than I love myself. Today, I give myself to you; today with you as my witness and loving guide, I promise ……………..


~ Kambiz Naficy

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