There is wise and awake Presence hovering over your life right now. That Presence is of Pure Consciousness–silent, simple, brave, loving and centered; always in touch with all of your creative potential.
That Presence is your Soul.
For some years you might have thought that you were a personality with a name and a body. Some years later, you suspected that you were a personality with a name and a body being enlivened and protected by a Soul. Finally, it might dawn upon you that you are pure Spirit flowing through the hollow bamboo of this body.
Your body is born, renews all of its cells every year and a half, and finally it dies. Your thoughts fade into nothingness every few seconds; your emotions and moods born of fickle thoughts also move along like clouds once blocking the sun. So if your body, thoughts, and emotions are impermanent, what is real about you?
The Witness is.
The Great Witness is the One who watches your thoughts and emotions instead of believing each of them. The Soul witnesses your physical life like a puppeteer delights over his puppet’s dance.
The real Actor on stage is the Soul; your soul will play its part perfectly in the drama of life, yet Soul has altitude over the daily going-ons. The Actor is detached from the play itself. This is pure joy!
Your Soul as a wise sage is always available to provide any answer that you seek.
Let us access Soul-Power right now! Simply think of a question and having posed that question, close your eyes, breathe as if you are breathing up your spine, then hold the inhalation between your eyebrows while silently changing “Ham” during the entire inhalation. After a long pause in between your eyebrows, release your breath, staying focused on the exhalation existing your nostrils.
Do the exhalation while silently chanting the word “Sa”. Allow “Sa” to fade and disintegrate into space and when you come to the very end of your exhalation, pause in silence. In that dead silence at the end of “Sa”, you will immediately have the answer to your question—the first image, word, or hunch that comes is the answer from your Soul.
Talk to that Great Presence all day. You will feel safe and centered for as long as you befriend your Spirit.
Spirit was never born and Spirit never dies–this is the eternal part of you; this is who you really are.
Much Love.
~ Kambiz Naficy
For more insightful messages, visit Kambiz’s youtube channel