Inspired By Nature59

Light Playing on Earth

Hello My Friend;

All of us have a set amount of time to play our particular game on Earth. Since our natures and aspirations are different, each of us chooses a different game to play; nevertheless our games must be played out since it is not possible to sit idly. 

One way to look at the meaning of your life is to think of it as a series of experiences to be had before you leave your physical body. Those who live out their aspirations, experience the maximum number of joyful experiences without hurting others, leave behind a very full and colorful picture album.

Those who see the meaning of their existence as Light or Soul playing out the game of life through a physical body,  will lack fear, anxiety, insecurity, and doubt, in other words, they apply no brakes. Without these, anyone can have whatever they desire through unwavering attention and effort.

Why don’t you start out tomorrow as though you are the Light of God playing an earthly game, for a while. As long as you keep that perspective, you will want to play your game fully and with joy. For as long as you see life through the eyes of the uninhibited Soul, you can experience it all and have it all.

Those picture albums are thick with colorful experiences.

Much Love to you,

~ Kambiz Naficy

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