Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind and Achieve Success in Any Area of Life with 'Coming Full Circle'

Prepare yourself for the most groundbreaking self-improvement transformation you’re likely to encounter.

This isn’t just about our unique blend of modern psychology techniques and the power of Kriya Yoga… although that in itself is groundbreaking.

This is about offering you the tools to break free from self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in unfulfilling careers, struggling with relationships, and for some, battling addictions and obsessions.

It’s about unlocking your subconscious to live a life of exhilarating freedom, purpose and fulfillment.

The secret?

Coming Full Circle.

Imagine a life where the whispers of self-doubt and fear no longer echo in your mind.

Envision yourself without the weight of broken relationships, destructive habits, and negative thought patterns.

A life with past traumas resolved, leaving you free to experience joy, personal growth, and abundance.

Picture yourself breaking free from the grip of anxiety, loneliness, and the false allure of addictions and obsessions.

This isn’t just a hopeful thought – it’s a real possibility.

With Coming Full Circle, you can step into a life where your past does not dictate your future. Every day is one of unlimited possibility and fulfillment – a life where the chains of your past no longer hold you captive.

This isn’t just a dream – it’s a reality within your grasp. 

Coming Full Circle is your key to unlocking a life of empowerment, where the mental movies that play in your head are ones of triumph, not tragedy.

It’s more than a course; it’s a journey to the deepest part of your being, cleansing and reprogramming your subconscious to open doors to a life you’ve always yearned for but never thought possible.

Join your guide, Kambiz Naficy in Coming Full Circle, and step into a world where your true potential is not just a concept, but a living, breathing reality.

What our students say

Marie Gallagher
Marie Gallagher
July 27, 2022
Thank you so much. By using the program I now understand fully how my childhood effects my present. I am now able to work on myself to change the negative effects.
Anette Quentin
Anette Quentin
July 28, 2022
I loved the course a lot as it gave me a lot of tools to deal with fear and self-sabotage. I will repeat the lessons to do all the helpful exercises! Thank you very much!
Justin Burns
Justin Burns
November 20, 2022
This was so to the point and gives things to actually work on. I found he was talking to me not at me which is something I felt in my heart! Thank you!
November 12, 2022
Absolutely fantastic! Very thought provoking, practical tips that I plan on implementing. I am going to play again and take notes. Beautiful calm speaking voice I also love the affirmation meditation that you provided. Thank you. You are a font of knowledge!
What's Inside

In Lesson 1, Your Childhood Home & Subconscious Programming, you learn about the power of your subconscious mind which controls more than eighty percent of life. This lesson teaches you how to access your subconscious mind and plant empowering seeds of self-love and self-worth for rapid progress.

In Lesson 2, The Power of Beliefs, you will learn how we create beliefs. An event occurs, then we interpret what just happened. Our interpretation of what is happening has more impact than the event itself. If you come up with negative interpretations of past events, those interpretations, add up to limiting beliefs about yourself and life. Finally, one’s core beliefs can create self-fulfilling prophecies that can block progress..

In Lesson 3, Understanding and Seeing Through Fear you also learn eleven techniques for managing and eliminating fear.

In Lesson 4, Toxic Shame—How it Enters & Wounds Us, you will understand and learn to uproot toxic shame which is the root of most other negative beliefs, emotions, and self-sabotaging behaviors. 

In Lesson 5, Hearing & Transforming Negative Self-Talk, I outline three important steps for eliminating negative self-talk.

Lesson 6, Identifying & Surrendering our Defense Mechanisms, names common defense mechanisms so you can identify which ones you might still be using.

In  Lesson 7, Neutralizing Self-Sabotage, you identify which underlying beliefs trigger your self-sabotage and which people or circumstances trigger that self-sabotage.

Lesson 8, Strengthening your Self-Love & Self-Worth, contains many practical exercises for improving your sense of self-love, self-worth, and how you see yourself. In Lesson 8, you learn how to identify your dharma which is the perfect and most natural life-direction for you.

Lesson 9, Living in the Present Moment, teaches you several techniques for coming back to this moment so you can enjoy lightness of Being without future worries.

Lesson 10, The Power of Intention, teaches that you attract whatever you intend as intention is the energy behind all your thoughts, words, and actions. Intentions are either based on love or fear. Intentions of love grace your life and the life of others; intentions of fear have opposite effect.

Lesson 11, Being Finished with Addictions & Obsessions, outlines the roots and impacts of addictions and obsessions. We identify various types of addictions and obsessions. Addictions are designed to alter the addict’s mood; and each addiction fills a need and while also providing a reward like a shot of energy, relaxation, or carefreeness.

In Lesson 12, Understanding & Managing Emotions, we describe emotions as “energy in motion”; meaning, your emotions are passing and temporary; you are bigger than your passing moods. Ignoring, numbing, or resisting difficult emotions never works; that just locks them up in your body and subconscious mind.

Lesson 13, Stepping into the Unknown, asks you to think about a mysterious Force that has always protected you and led you to safety when you most needed help. We also ask you to think about how you have grown through difficult times.

Lesson 14, Authentic Power, will provide you with the benchmarks for measuring your own progress towards centeredness, self-love, clarity of purpose, charisma, and compassion.

Lesson 15, Power of Prayer & Meditation, teaches the fundamentals of meditation, best practices, and typical obstacles to deep meditation. You are given a link to Kambiz Naficy’s basic Kriya Yoga breathing meditation to download for your daily practice.

Lesson 16, Reverence & Gratefulness, reminds us that surrender is not a weakness; you learn to surrender everything that has never served you. You also learn to take responsibility for what you can change; and surrender the rest to Higher Forces.

Coming Full Circle

Tools for a lifetime of health, romance, and wealth

A guided, interactive, transformative
experience to help you:

What's Included

All course assets are hosted on Thinkific and downloadable.

What our students say

Irwin Weinberger
Irwin Weinberger
November 20, 2022
Such a beautiful course. I learned a great deal and now will integrate it into my life. Thank you! 🙏
October 11, 2022
Thank you for a course that was soft and gentle with so much impact. This is a course I will return to over and over. Blessings.
April 27, 2023
Through Coming Full Circle I was able to get to the root of my "programming" and remove several self-destructive habits and self-limiting assumptions about my potential. And even more powerfully, this course helped me heal a 40-year damaged relationship with my father! Thank you Kambiz!
October 11, 2022
Each succinctly designed session could easily be expanded and enjoyed over more days. The course is well written and presented. Each session has a number of exercises to try. I will be coming back regularly to learn more deeply. For this course has the power to grow with me as I begin to understand more about myself.

Group Program

$ 1,497
  • ✅ 8 weeks of live group learning and Q&A
  • ✅ 16 lessons live recorded video lessons
  • ✅ 16 unique, live-recorded guided Kriya Yoga sessions
  • ✅ 400+ interactive learning slides
  • ✅ Summary PDFs covering all material
  • ✅ 120+ actionable exercises
  • ✅ 35 live-recorded minute Asana session
  • ✅ Beginner Kriya Yoga session
  • ✅ Intermediate Kriay Yoga session
  • ✅ Super-Consciousness Kriya Yoga session
  • ✅ Daily affirmations recording
  • ✅ Daily prayer recording
  • ✅ Ebook of Riding the Waves of Life
  • ✅ Bonus archive recordings from previous workshops

Coming Full Circle Premiere

$ 4,497
  • ✅ 8 weeks of personal counsel with Kambiz Naficy
  • ✅ 8 weeks of live group learning and Q&A
  • ✅ 16 lessons live recorded video lessons
  • ✅ 16 unique, live-recorded guided Kriya Yoga sessions
  • ✅ 400+ interactive learning slides
  • ✅ Summary PDFs covering all material
  • ✅ 120+ actionable exercises
  • ✅ 35 live-recorded minute Asana session
  • ✅ Beginner Kriya Yoga session
  • ✅ Intermediate Kriay Yoga session
  • ✅ Super-Consciousness Kriya Yoga session
  • ✅ Daily affirmations recording
  • ✅ Daily prayer recording
  • ✅ Ebook of Riding the Waves of Life
  • ✅ Bonus archive recordings from previous workshops