An Inspiring Weekend of Meditation & Self-Transformation

Enjoying Abundance in
“The Flow”

24th-25th August 2024

Online & in English

Kambiz Naficy

Join Meditation Master Kambiz Naficy for a Weekend of Yoga, Meditation, and Uplifting Talks

Practices & Topics

  • Two one-hour Kriya Yoga meditation sessions.
  • Two forty-minute sessions of Yoga Postures (asanas).
  • Learning the language of Nature—The Flow.
  • How to ride Nature’s Flow for abundance and contentment.
  • Identifying your two selves.
  • Ego’s struggle vs. Soulful Consciousness.
  • Quieting the mind & trusting your intuition.
  • How to change self-limiting habits.
  • Join the daily surrender-experiment—open the floodgates of Grace.

Workshop Schedule

Saturday, August 24th—9:00am to Noon (EST/USA)

Sunday, August 25th—9:00am to Noon (EST/USA)

Workshop Tuition: $197

Kambiz Naficy Portrait 0424 V2

You will receive your Zoom link for this lifechanging weekend of peace and prosperity.


I have been following Kambiz for about two years and have attended various weekend, online and 5-day extended workshops so far. I had the privilege to participate in the 5-day workshops at the St. Georges for the last two years.  The St. Georges workshops were absolutely the most valuable life changing events for me from psychological reviewing my true self to spiritual enlightenment. At both workshops, I have went through wave after wave of unbelievable energy bursting events, literally I encountered various spiritual visions and physical experiences that nobody could believe. The 5-day’s spiritual journey is something I recommend to anyone who wishes to change their life and find their spiritual wellbeing. In addition to the meditation, St. Georges itself is a vibrant natural beauty which has been charged with exceptional energy field from the beautiful nature.

Dear Kambiz,

Once again I am at a loss for words to fully express my gratefulness for this past week in Santa Barbara. Your teaching and beautiful energy have carried me yet further into unknown realms; for the first time upon crossing a new threshold, I encountered no fear, just delight and love.Thank you for your infinite patience, generosity and protection.

L.O. Florida, USA

The retreat in Atlanta in the Fall of 2013 was honestly the most profound thing I have ever done for myself. It was the deepest, most life changing gift I could have ever given myself. Since that time, I have been meditating deeply, up to an hour a day from the training I received during that time. In fact, this week for the first time in a few years I had my blood drawn. My lab results came back and they were incredible! Previously, I had low white blood cells and some other labs were off indicating stress responses within my body. Well, today my results were absolutely perfect and I am sure it has to do with the meditation that I have been doing daily since the Atlanta retreat.

(Sent April 2014)

Riveting depth and transformation seems an apt description of my experience at the five day retreats in both Geneva and Atlanta. The five day retreats are the deepest I have experienced in my eight years of study with Kambiz.

The opportunity to go into silence several times a day, for five consecutive days, really allowed me to dive into silence whole heartedly and to connect with the God-Force with a new-found depth and vibration. The asanas (gentle hatha yoga movement) prior to each meditation session added to the overall meditative experience and the opportunity to connect with the God Force and truly align body-mind-spirit with each breath. The content of the talks at the five day retreats was quite different to what is covered in the shorter retreats. Personally, I sensed my entire body soaking in the information, like a sponge. I feel the five day retreat enabled me greater understanding and appreciation for the depths of ancient spiritual knowledge that Kriya yoga emanates. It gave me a new perspective on how this influences Kambiz’s teachings and thus enhanced my own learnings. As I have been integrating the insight, I’ve realized that, in an interesting way, it gave me broader perspective on the material covered in previous three day retreats I have attended. The opportunity to reconnect and make new connections with JOL friends, was an added bonus of the five day retreats in both Geneva and Atlanta. It is always special and nourishing for me to be in a space where everyone is deeply spiritual and committed to their own growth!

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